August is my favorite month!
There's nothing like warm weather, sunshine, getting out in the garden without tromping in mud, and my birthday. It's also my busiest month. Mr. L and I got married in August, many, many years ago. Our sons were born in August. Our oldest granddaughter was born on our anniversary. If I could take the whole month off and just play, I would.
This August, we're taking two weeks off from the day jobs to replace the windows and slider in the...great room, I guess you'd call lit, which is open from the front to the back of the house. What we'll have when we're done are wall-to-wall windows that let more light into the space. Next time, I'll post before and after pics.
The Writing
Amid the house remodel and keeping up with the garden, the writing is coming along. I'm glad to share several editors are looking at Lost And Found, and I'm starting the second book in the Women of Honor series, Second Chance. I'm very excited about the possibilities. Cross your fingers ;)
Fun things to watch for and share with friends and family
Aug 6 - Sept 6 Night Owl Romance is hosting a Multi-Author Scavenger Hunt.
The fun thing about this event is that you can find some great authors to read. Make sure to check my featured title out along the way (Love Lessons, Book Four in the Sellwood series). Win Amazon cards, romance books and other prizes. The grand prize is a Kindle Fire HD 8 w/Alexa!
Visit participating Night Owl Reviews author pages; find the missing word from the author's book blurb (including mine). On the entry form, fill in the found word. To begin, enter Now at: https://www.nightowlreviews.com/v5/Blog/Articles/Cupcakes-Books-2018
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